Kitchen fire safety is always important when cooking to help prevent a devastating fire in your home. I am going to explain a few things to look for and do so you can prevent a kitchen fire in your home in hopes that it will prevent your family from needing a kitchen fire cleanup in your home.

Lets start with your range hood. A fire can definitely start with your range hood. Clean the under part of your range hood so there is no stuck on thick grease. Always change the filter regularly.

Do you own a dry chemical fire extinguisher? Dry chemical fire extinguishers are handy to have, they will work on grease, plastic, and electrical fires. Its always a good idea to have one on hand just in case that situation arises.

Never leave your kitchen unattended especially cooking with high heat. Leaving your stove unattended is the most cause for kitchen fires. You never know what will happen within seconds until it happens to you. Try to keep potholder and towels far away from stove, those will easily catch on fire also.

Below is a link to better explain cooking hazards, it has some really great information so please check it out.

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